SURVEYID == 1 // and ProductID NOT BETWEEN 7770000 and 7777999 // and ProductID NOT IN(4909, 4910, 4911, 4912, 4913, 4914, 4916, 4921) //ProductID not in (302,319,320,1213,3039,3900,537823,303,818) //where (ProductHierarchyLevel > 1 or (ProductHierarchyLevel = 1 and ProductID >= 8183039)) //4909,4910,4911,4912,4913,4914,4916 /* and ProductID NOT IN( select ProductID from tq_admin.vw_companies_products where CompanyID IN(180) and ProductType=3 ) AND ProductID NOT BETWEEN 7770000 and 7777999 AND ProductID NOT IN(3998) */ /*Samsung*/ /* $sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(5200, 620000004, 620000007, 620000009, 620000010, 620000011 , 620000012, 620000013, 620000112, 620000113, 620000307, 620000309 , 620000310, 620000311, 620000312, 620000314, 620000315, 620000316 , 620003122, 620004707, 620005200, 620005201, 620005204, 620005208 , 620005209, 620013133, 620001213, 620003227, 620013476, 620013477 , 620042906, 620042907, 620042908, 620042909, 620620818 , 620005208) "; */ /* and ProductID IN( select DerivedProductID as ProductID from us_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID IN(850,852,853,854,950,42,437,621,622,623,624,625,626,627,629,630,21,22,23,27,29,138) group by DerivedProductID ) */ // AND ProductID IN(select ProductID from us_meta.201602_compositefix) // and ProductID NOT BETWEEN 620000004 and 620620818 //Put the above Samsung back in //and ProductID IN(select DerivedProductID as ProductID from us_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID IN(1,2,4,7,9,10,11,12,13) group by DerivedProductID) //$sqlStr = " and vw_products.ProductID IN(5200, 5204) "; /* $sqlStr = " and ProductID IN( select DerivedProductID as ProductID from us_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID IN(1,2,4,7,9,10,11,12,13,628,22,26,27,28,29,138) group by DerivedProductID )"; */ /*Lowe's*/ /*GE for release*/ //$sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(8180072,8187815,8187814,3124,3123,8187811,8189811,8180812,8187812,8189812) "; /**/ //$sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(select ProductID from tq_admin.vw_companies_products where CompanyID in (180)) and ProductID in (7777283) "; //$sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(14019,37013) "; /* LG&Q */ /* $sqlStr = " and ProductID IN( select DerivedProductID as ProductID from us_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID IN(1,2,4,7,9,10,11,12,13) group by DerivedProductID ) and ProductHierarchyLevel > 2 "; /**/ /*Village People In The Navy*/ /** $sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(3003, 3004, 4774, 4776, 5348, 9504, 13475, 13476, 13477, 20648, 31457, 43334 , 45734, 79991, 433314, 930913, 13093, 4603, 43331, 43335, 43336, 4333102, 4333602, 43340) "; //$sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(select DerivedProductID as ProductID from us_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID IN(1,2,4,7,9,10,11,12,13,) group by DerivedProductID HAVING sum(if(SingleProductID=1,1,0))=0) "; //$sqlStr = " and (ProductID IN(select ProductID from tq_admin.vw_companies_products where CompanyID IN(472)) OR ProductID IN(818)) "; /* $sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(select DerivedProductID as ProductID from us_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID IN(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,30,31,36,48,51,53,61,64,78,82 ,89,90,92,95,105,121,132,134,138,146,149,162,163,164,165,167,173,181,206,210,259,285,457,547,574,873,905,1020,1173,2872,2873,888500) group by DerivedProductID) "; */ //$sqlStr = "and ProductID IN(7777000,7777283) "; //$sqlStr = "and CompanyID not in (180) "; //7777000,7777010,7777020,7777030,7777040,7777283,7777284,7777285,7777286,7777287 //$sqlStr = "and ProductID IN() "; //and ProductID NOT BETWEEN 7770000 and 7777999 //4299902,3261001,44260002 //$sqlStr = "and ProductHierarchyLevel >= 2 "; /* $sqlStr = " and ProductID IN( select DerivedProductID as ProductID from us_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID IN(1,2,4,7,9,10,11,12,13,3) group by DerivedProductID ) "; */ //$sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(4230300, 4240100, 220225, 326372, 4201000, 4230300, 4240100, 4263500, 4201000, 4230300, 4240100) "; /* $sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(select DerivedProductID as ProductID from us_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID=542 GROUP BY DerivedProductID) "; and (ProductHierarchyLevel > 2 OR (ProductHierarchyLevel = 2 and ProductID >= 8183039)) */ //First Set 42999, 4230300, 4240100 //second set 4871,220225,326372,326999,4201000,4263500 //3rd set 4299902,3261001 //$sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(4299902,3261001) "; // and ProductID NOT IN(818) SURVEYID == 2 /* $sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(select DerivedProductID as ProductID from can_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID IN(1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,18,20) group by DerivedProductID) ";*/ //$sqlStr = "and ProductID IN(10238,22999,4421000,4429999,77772832) "; SURVYEID == 3 /*Propane*/ /* $sqlStr = " and ProductID IN(select DerivedProductID as ProductID from serv_meta.vw_product_hierarchy_using_singles where SingleProductID IN(888489) and and DerivedProductID NOT IN(7777003,77770033) group by DerivedProductID) "; */